Life Updates!
Hi everyone hope you are all doing well :). Angels doing good she's coming up to her 1st birthday/gotcha day. I can't believe I'm going to have had her for one whole year soon! It feels like yesterday I brought her home.
Her gotcha day is the 7th of may so its so close. If you have any ideas of what I should get her dm me on instagram @ourcutehammys.
I haven't told you all yet but most of you will know I had one sister, and now I have 2! One is nearly 9 and the other is nearly 3 months, she loves watching angel run around its so cute <3 they are besties now. I am the oldest out of us, I'm 13 and will be 14 in august.
Angel is loving life in her new mega cage and getting fed lots and lots of treats. I am always buying her new toys and treats haha.
Angel in her new cage Baby River at 2 months old Angel with her Easter egg
So let me tell you about what I have been up to this week, i have been enjoying easter break, and eating lots of chocolate haha. I start school back on Monday the 25th. Its my sisters birthday on the 27th so she's really exited for that! Her birthday is so close to angels as well.
We also just hit 800 followers on our instagram @ourcutehammys. If you follow us on there thank you so much you all are so special to us and we appreciate every single one of you! And if you don't definitely go check us out :).
That's all for today I hope you enjoyed reading this. Bye :)
Angel is so cute! Get her a birthday biscuit