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Angels New Home

Princess Angel is my female Syrian hamster. I got her on the 7th of may 2021 I was so excited to bring her home she was my third hamster I had.

She started off in a small pet store cage that could barely fit anything in except a small wheel, house and a little space to run around. I thought it was massive but I quickly learned that they need more space than you think.

I know what you may be thinking, hamsters are so small so surely their ok with a small cage well thats what I thought to! I started watching lots of Victoria Raechels youtube videos and I learned that they need a lot of space, if you think about it they would have a whole lot of room to run in the wild. The American minimum floor space a hamster should have is 450 square inches I still think thats a bit small but remember thats the minimum and you should always aim bigger to give your hamster the best life possible.

I had two hamster at the time and started saving all my money so I could get two bin cages. Bin cages are an affordable and easy way to give your hamster a lot of floor space, you can get a plastic box cut a hole in the lid and cable tie mesh to the top so air flow can get in (there are lots of tutorials on youtube). When I had enough money to buy two I went to the shop and brought home 2 big 138l plastic boxes. When I came home I put all their things in their new homes. They both lived in their separate cages for a few months, until sadly my other hamster honey bunny passed away and then it was just Angel. I now had an empty cage and wanted to give angel more space, I had seen someone on instagram stack two bins on top of each other with a tube to connect them. So I decided to turn my two cages into a big two story hamster cage with some help from my Grandad. Angel was happy and her being happy made me so happy.

A few months passed and I noticed she was bitting the plastic so I knew i had to upgrade, I was happy to be making her a new cage again. I drew up my plans and told my Grandad I needed some help making a new cage. Soon the time arrived to finally make it! This was my dream cage. We went to the shops snd got all the things we needed. A few days later and i was finished with my big brand new cage it is 140x60x60cm with a perspex window on the front! It was time to put it in my room. I had done all the measurements before making the enclosure, I was so nervous I had done it wrong so I made sure to measure like 1000 times to make sure it would fit in my room haha. It was the day to move it and we pushed it in, it fit phew with a couple cm extra room. I spent ages setting it up and then i was done, I put Angel in and she loved it so much.

You can work your way up too like i did, we all have to start somewhere. A bin cage is the cheapest option most times they are cheaper than pet store cages. Some pet store cages are big enough i will list some below and some other good cages. :) Hope you have a great day with happy hammys.

IKEA detolf

IKEA diy linmon

Pawhut small wooden hamster cage [the bigger ones 115x60cm]

Savic plaza 100x50cm

And more!

Angels new cage! : )

Pictures of all angels homes she has had.

1 Comment

Apr 27, 2022

I love her cage it's a mansion! Or a hamsion haha 😄


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